



in Stockholm

Sunday Service & Sunday School

Every Sunday, at 09.30

Kristet Centre, Hagalundsgatan 9, Solna, Stockholm

Subscribe via email to get further information about PRII in Stockholm

Prayer Meeting (Via Zoom)

Every Thursday, at 21.00

Monthly Fellowship

1x per month, on Saturday
Please contact us for updated details

Bible Study (Via Zoom)

Men's group: 2x/month
Women's group: 2x/month
Please contact us for updated details

The Indonesian Reformed Evangelical Fellowship (PRII) in Stockholm is a place where you can get to know Christianity more deeply and meet fellow brothers and sisters in Christ during your stay in Stockholm.

Our fellowship


Christianity is a religion of praise. The songs we sing are often taken from the Kidung Reformed Evangelical (KRI) published by the Indonesian Reformed Evangelical Church (GRII). This collection of Christian hymns covers the treasures of ecclesiastical music from the Middle Ages to the present day such as "Allah Jadi Benteng Kukuh (A Might Fortress Is Our God)", "Besarlah Allahku (How Great Thou Art)", "Jaminan Mulia (Blessed Assurance)" and "Karena Dia Hidup (Because He Lives)".

Pray for each other

Christianity is a religion that prays as a form of our close relationship with God. We can pray individually and together as a community. In prayer, we get to know God and each other more deeply. We are also transformed and strengthen one another. Once a week we set aside time to pray together and raise the prayer points of our friends, brothers and sisters.

Bible study

Agama Kristen adalah agama yang bertumbuh dalam pengenalan akan Allah, yang telah diwahyukan melalui Alkitab. Pengenalan (teologi) yang benar akan Allah mengubahkan setiap aspek hidup kita juga pada arah yang benar. Isi Alkitab begitu kaya. Kita tidak akan habishabisnya terpukau atas Allah kita yang begitu agung, adil dan penuh kasih karunia dan belas kasihan pada umat-Nya. Setiap pertemuan, kita mengupas topik dan ayat Alkitab tertentu, dengan pelayanan hamba Tuhan dari Gereja Reformed Injili Indonesia, dengan studi kelompok dari Katekismus Heidelberg, atau dengan menonton video khotbah dan diskusi bersama.

Share the struggle

Christianity exists not because of the place, but the people. Each of us will experience difficulties or struggles in family, financial needs, work, health, and other things from time to time. By sharing our struggles, we are given strength through friends who can help, visit, talk and pray for one another. For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead (James 2:26).

Since I moved to Stockholm in 2011, I have received many blessings from PRII Stockholm in growing my faith and serving the body of Christ with ministry in the field of organization and fellowship, managing finances as treasurer and sometimes serving as MC, musician and translator. The joys and sorrows that have been offered so far have made me grateful that PRII Stockholm is still being protected by God and has become a place for the growth of faith and the Christian community for many Indonesians who have recently moved to Sweden.
Debora Sugiaman, Bandung